Textbook of Gynaecology

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788181915412
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 457
  • LANGUAGE: English

Textbook of Gynaecology

Rs. 1095.00

Publisher :Paras Medical Publishers
  • Medical
  • English
  • 457 PAGES

Get the Winning Edge! Key Features: Third edition has been completely revised with recent and advanced topics according to the CBME curriculum. Concepts and disease processes explained clearly in an enlivening manner for high-quality patient care. Information organized in an easy to recollect and reproducible form. Core competencies presented at the beginning of each section & Specific learning objectives are provided for each chapter as proposed by various universities. Key points at the end of each chapter for eve of the examination revision. Many flowcharts, boxes and tables included for graphic representation of the topics. Mock questions including long essay, vignette based, short notes and MCQs for enhanced classroom learning. Plenty of colour photographs (especially surgical) added to aid comprehension. Ultrasound images & other imaging modalities included. Completely evidence based depending upon landmark trials and clinical guidelines. One full section dedicated to the topic of reproductive endocrinology and medicine. Oncology section is fully revised and updated. All the common operations and instruments in gynaecology covered. An exclusive chapter devoted to endoscopic surgery. Beneficial to undergraduates and postgraduate residents during high-time preparatory reading. Enriching resource for those preparing for NEET-Exit Exam. Equally relevant for nursing students and students of other branches of medicine.

Get the Winning Edge! Key Features: Third edition has been completely revised with recent and advanced topics according to the CBME curriculum. Concepts and disease processes explained clearly in an enlivening manner for high-quality patient care. Information organized in
easy to recollect and reproducible form. Core competencies presented at the beginning of each section & Specific learning objectives are provided for each chapter as proposed by various universities. Key points at the end of each chapter for eve of the examination revision. Many flowcharts, boxes and tables included for graphic representation of the topics. Mock questions including long essay, vignette based, short notes and MCQs for enhanced classroom learning. Plenty of colour photographs (especially surgical) added to aid comprehension. Ultrasound images & other imaging modalities included. Completely evidence based depending upon landmark trials and clinical guidelines. One full section dedicated to the topic of reproductive endocrinology and medicine. Oncology section is fully revised and updated. All the common operations and instruments in gynaecology covered. An exclusive chapter devoted to endoscopic surgery. Beneficial to undergraduates and postgraduate residents during high-time preparatory reading. Enriching resource for those preparing for NEET-Exit Exam. Equally relevant for nursing students and students of other branches of
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788181915412
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13: 9788181915412
  • PAGES: 457
  • LANGUAGE: English

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