• Operations and Supply Chain Management | 17th Edition

Operations and Supply Chain Management | 17th Edition

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789355325228
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 762
  • LANGUAGE: English

Operations and Supply Chain Management | 17th Edition

Rs. 1045.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 762 PAGES

1. Updated content capturing impact of supply chain disruptions has been added to current OSCM issues, impact of Internet on services, Changes in the capacity metrics to reflect what is currently used by health care providers, etc.

2. Analytics Exercises spread throughout the chapters to increase the experiential learning.

3. New chapter openers with a short vignette capturing the new issues like lean manufacturing practices learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic, How the COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Empty Shelves introduces the bullwhip effect in the context of shortages etc.

4. New cases capturing India and Global scenarios.

5. Excellent pedagogical features having learning objectives, Opening Vignettes, OSCM at Work


1. Updated content capturing impact of supply chain disruptions has been added to current OSCM issues, impact of Internet on services, Changes in the capacity metrics to reflect what is currently used by health care providers, etc. 2. Analytics Exercises spread throughout
he chapters to increase the experiential learning. 3. New chapter openers with a short vignette capturing the new issues like lean manufacturing practices learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic, How the COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Empty Shelves introduces the bullwhip effect in the context of shortages etc. 4. New cases capturing India and Global scenarios. 5. Excellent pedagogical features having learning objectives, Opening Vignettes, OSCM at
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789355325228
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9789355325228
  • PAGES: 762
  • LANGUAGE: English

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