• PRODUCT CODE : 9789390113590
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 624
  • LANGUAGE: English


Rs. 1070.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 624 PAGES

Optics by Professor Ghats is a classic text designed to provide a comprehensive account of important topics in this exciting field. The book aims to meet the requirements of a course on Optics for undergraduate students of science and engineering. This brand new multi-colour edition comes with a number of careful revisions in the text and colourful illustrations, thus making it even more exciting and reader friendly. Highlights: 1. A new introductory prologue detailing importance of study of light after the advent of lasers 2. A new br>Chapter on bohr theory of the Atom with applications of spectroscopy 3. Comprehensive coverage of important topics like Geometrical Optics, vibrations & waves, polarization, interference, Diffraction, lasers and holography 4. Updated content on electromagnetic wave propagation, anisotropic media, fiber optics and lasers 5. Comprehensive simple derivation of the famous equation e = Mc2 and special theory of relativity 6. Quantum theory including the EPR paradox & br>entanglement.

Optics by Professor Ghats is a classic text designed to provide a comprehensive account of important topics in this exciting field. The book aims to meet the requirements of a course on Optics for undergraduate students of science and engineering. This brand new
edition comes with a number of careful revisions in the text and colourful illustrations, thus making it even more exciting and reader friendly. Highlights: 1. A new introductory prologue detailing importance of study of light after the advent of lasers 2. A new br>Chapter on bohr theory of the Atom with applications of spectroscopy 3. Comprehensive coverage of important topics like Geometrical Optics, vibrations & waves, polarization, interference, Diffraction, lasers and holography 4. Updated content on electromagnetic wave propagation, anisotropic media, fiber optics and lasers 5. Comprehensive simple derivation of the famous equation e = Mc2 and special theory of relativity 6. Quantum theory including the EPR paradox &
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789390113590
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9789390113590
  • PAGES: 624
  • LANGUAGE: English

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