
  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788195131792
  • CATEGORY: Fiction
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 523
  • LANGUAGE: English


Rs. 350.00

  • Fiction
  • English
  • 523 PAGES

Iron Age of India… around 900 B.C.E. Born in the arms of the Ganga, Vasu grew up in the raging province of Anga. His life shaped by a fate that failed to be just—neglected by his own, stripped of his birthright—he was raised to be lost in an abyss of desires and disappointment. Cursed by his guru, hurt by the only woman he loved, ostracised from society for being the son of a suta. With his only armour—hope—he ventured on an unforgettable journey. Alone. This is Vasu’s tale of survival, of endurance, of abiding courage in the face of all adversities. And eventually, of blossoming into the greatest warrior of all time… KARNA. In an ultimate battle against his archenemy—the insidious, dishonourable and all-powerful, Jarasandha, for a title he knew he deserved. From a sutaputr to a leader of the people, this is a saga of betrayal, lost love, and glory. This is the story of the King of Anga.

Iron Age of India… around 900 B.C.E. Born in the arms of the Ganga, Vasu grew up in the raging province of Anga. His life shaped by a fate that failed to be just—neglected by his own, stripped of his birthright—he was raised to be lost in an abyss of
es and disappointment. Cursed by his guru, hurt by the only woman he loved, ostracised from society for being the son of a suta. With his only armour—hope—he ventured on an unforgettable journey. Alone. This is Vasu’s tale of survival, of endurance, of abiding courage in the face of all adversities. And eventually, of blossoming into the greatest warrior of all time… KARNA. In an ultimate battle against his archenemy—the insidious, dishonourable and all-powerful, Jarasandha, for a title he knew he deserved. From a sutaputr to a leader of the people, this is a saga of betrayal, lost love, and glory. This is the story of the King of
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788195131792
  • CATEGORY: Fiction
  • ISBN-13: 9788195131792
  • PAGES: 523
  • LANGUAGE: English

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