Investments, 11th Edition

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788194113850
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 979
  • LANGUAGE: English

Investments, 11th Edition

Rs. 1025.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 979 PAGES

The eleventh edition of Investments is a textbook for courses in investment analysis. The revised edition has been updated to encapsulate the changes in the investment environment along with the global impact of such fluctuations, including the unprecedented events surrounding the financial crisis.The book is simple and easy-to-comprehend, offers an expert instinct for confronting new ideas and challenges in decision making. It places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and detailed treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets which have become both crucial and integral to the rapidly evolving financial universe.Highlights:?Up-to-date analysis and coverage of the changes in the investment environment?Examination of the subject matter in the local context with relevant examples of concepts in the subsequent scenario (FOREX Market, Securitization, Bond Market Indices, SEBI Regulations and more)?Provide readers with an expert instinct for decision making by offering them a methodical insight into major financial issues.

The eleventh edition of Investments is a textbook for courses in investment analysis. The revised edition has been updated to encapsulate the changes in the investment environment along with the global impact of such fluctuations, including the unprecedented events
ng the financial crisis.The book is simple and easy-to-comprehend, offers an expert instinct for confronting new ideas and challenges in decision making. It places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and detailed treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets which have become both crucial and integral to the rapidly evolving financial universe.Highlights:?Up-to-date analysis and coverage of the changes in the investment environment?Examination of the subject matter in the local context with relevant examples of concepts in the subsequent scenario (FOREX Market, Securitization, Bond Market Indices, SEBI Regulations and more)?Provide readers with an expert instinct for decision making by offering them a methodical insight into major financial
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9788194113850
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9788194113850
  • PAGES: 979
  • LANGUAGE: English

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