Great Trees I Have Known

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789357025317
  • CATEGORY: Kids & Young adult
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 294
  • LANGUAGE: English

Great Trees I Have Known

Rs. 395.00

  • Kids & Young adult
  • English
  • 294 PAGES

These great trees of the mountains, I feel they know me well, as I watch them and listen to their secrets, happy to rest my head beneath their outstretched arms.’

A little girl climbs up a rambling old tree, picking its fruit, playing with the squirrels and birds that call it home, finally dozing off on its strongest, most comfortable branch as a gentle breeze plays through its leaves—pure bliss! How dull, dreary and dusty life can be without the verdant foliage of trees.


These great trees of the mountains, I feel they know me well, as I watch them and listen to their secrets, happy to rest my head beneath their outstretched arms.’ A little girl climbs up a rambling old tree, picking its fruit, playing with the squirrels and birds
call it home, finally dozing off on its strongest, most comfortable branch as a gentle breeze plays through its leaves—pure bliss! How dull, dreary and dusty life can be without the verdant foliage of
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789357025317
  • CATEGORY: Kids & Young adult
  • ISBN-13: 9789357025317
  • PAGES: 294
  • LANGUAGE: English

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