Fantastic Folktales The Fast That Never Happened
Rs. 106.00 Rs. 125.00
Publisher :Om Books International
- Chidrens books
- English
- 16 PAGES
The monkeys of the forest have gained a lot of weight. They decide to fast throughout the day. But can they resist the tempting bananas? Or they can't? Read the rest of the story in this vividly illustrated fantastic folk tale to know more.
The monkeys of the forest have gained a lot of weight. They decide to fast throughout the day. But can they resist the tempting bananas? Or they can't? Read the rest of the story in this vividly illustrated fantastic folk tale to know
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- PRODUCT CODE : 9789382607960
- CATEGORY: Chidrens books
- ISBN-13: 9789382607960
- PAGES: 16
- LANGUAGE: English