
  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789352774937
  • CATEGORY: Fiction
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 288
  • LANGUAGE: English


Rs. 499.00

Publisher :Harper Collins
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 288 PAGES

First published in 1956, Chemmeen tells the story of the relationship between Karutthamma, a Hindu woman from the fishing community, and Pareekkutty, the son of a Muslim fish wholesaler. Unable to live with the man she loves, Karutthamma marries Palani, who, despite the scandal about his wife's past, never stops trusting her, a trust that is reaffirmed each time he goes to sea and comes back safe since the sea-mother myth among the fishing community is that the safe return of a fisherman depends on his wife's fidelity. Then, one night, Karutthamma and Pareekkutty meet and their love is rekindled while Palani is at sea, baiting a shark... This hugely successful novel was adapted into a film of the same name, and won critical acclaim and commercial success. Anita Nair's evocative translation brings this classic of Indian literature to a new generation that hasn't had the opportunity to savour this tale of love and longing.

First published in 1956, Chemmeen tells the story of the relationship between Karutthamma, a Hindu woman from the fishing community, and Pareekkutty, the son of a Muslim fish wholesaler. Unable to live with the man she loves, Karutthamma marries Palani, who, despite the
dal about his wife's past, never stops trusting her, a trust that is reaffirmed each time he goes to sea and comes back safe since the sea-mother myth among the fishing community is that the safe return of a fisherman depends on his wife's fidelity. Then, one night, Karutthamma and Pareekkutty meet and their love is rekindled while Palani is at sea, baiting a shark... This hugely successful novel was adapted into a film of the same name, and won critical acclaim and commercial success. Anita Nair's evocative translation brings this classic of Indian literature to a new generation that hasn't had the opportunity to savour this tale of love and
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789352774937
  • CATEGORY: Fiction
  • ISBN-13: 9789352774937
  • PAGES: 288
  • LANGUAGE: English

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