• Applied Psychology for Indian Nursing Students Inc Syllabus

Applied Psychology for Indian Nursing Students Inc Syllabus

  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 486
  • LANGUAGE: English

Applied Psychology for Indian Nursing Students Inc Syllabus

Rs. 600.00

Publisher :Mystone Education
  • Medical
  • English
  • 486 PAGES

In accordance with the 2021 Syllabus, a myriad of new topics including soft skills survival strategies, mental health, life span development empowerment, psychological solutions to everyday issues, self-awareness, management, and professional etiquette have been covered. The book helps students to build a sensible study plan and to identify and learn essential concepts in psychology that can be applied to improve patient care self-confidence and efficiency among nurses. The book has been written in such a manner that the reader is enabled to master the most recent and challenging ideas: while utilizing them in everyday lifeissues and professional competencies. This Edition seeks to provide a holistic outlook on human behaviour and to tranfer unique insights to nurses engaged in the miracle profession of caring and healing

In accordance with the 2021 Syllabus, a myriad of new topics including soft skills survival strategies, mental health, life span development empowerment, psychological solutions to everyday issues, self-awareness, management, and professional etiquette have been covered.
book helps students to build a sensible study plan and to identify and learn essential concepts in psychology that can be applied to improve patient care self-confidence and efficiency among nurses. The book has been written in such a manner that the reader is enabled to master the most recent and challenging ideas: while utilizing them in everyday lifeissues and professional competencies. This Edition seeks to provide a holistic outlook on human behaviour and to tranfer unique insights to nurses engaged in the miracle profession of caring and
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  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 486
  • LANGUAGE: English

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