• PRODUCT CODE : 9780074518717
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 339
  • LANGUAGE: English


Rs. 1313.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 339 PAGES

Comprehensive book presenting the fundamentals of air pollution. The coverage includes the important principles and practices of pollution sampling, analysis and control. The types, sources and effects of air pollution on human health animals, plants and materials are also dealt with in great detail. Also discussed is the part played by meteorological factors in dispersion of atmospheric effluents. Miscellaneous topics like acid rain, greenhouse effect, indoor air pollution and occupational diseases, such as silicosis and asbestosis, have also been covered.An attempt has been made to make the book Indian-oriented. Included are the Pollution Control Acts of India, air pollution problems in Indian cities, Indian Standards pertaining to air quality, and specific case studies of effects of air pollution in India such as the effect of the Taj Mahal.

Comprehensive book presenting the fundamentals of air pollution. The coverage includes the important principles and practices of pollution sampling, analysis and control. The types, sources and effects of air pollution on human health animals, plants and materials are also
ealt with in great detail. Also discussed is the part played by meteorological factors in dispersion of atmospheric effluents. Miscellaneous topics like acid rain, greenhouse effect, indoor air pollution and occupational diseases, such as silicosis and asbestosis, have also been covered.An attempt has been made to make the book Indian-oriented. Included are the Pollution Control Acts of India, air pollution problems in Indian cities, Indian Standards pertaining to air quality, and specific case studies of effects of air pollution in India such as the effect of the Taj
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9780074518717
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9780074518717
  • PAGES: 339
  • LANGUAGE: English

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